mercoledì 12 novembre 2008

Reading under the inFLUence

Sometimes when you're feeling particularly vulnerable, with a running nose, fever and aching muscles, you just need to stay at home for a while, not for long, in the end it's just a flu, and these are perfect occasions to read something from a B list of literature. So you leave aside Wittgenstein, Joyce & Co. and you embrace the book of the month club's monthly choices.

Paint It Black by Janet Fitch is really disappointing, it starts off smoothly and then, for the lack of ideas, logic or inspiration turns into a real disaster. The author comes up with a lot of nice and well-written scenes, but they do not sum up to a fluent and meaningful story. What is most irritating is the usage of dreams that are meant to convey the sense of the story, it is all too dramatic, too weak and too improbable (just like the character of the suicide little price/artist/Rimbaud guy)...
Fortunately, my fever has gone down.

Plus a note to the translator (I've read it in Polish):
Edie Sedgwick was not a boy!

FYI: Edie Sedgwick, wł. Edith Minturn Sedgwick (ur. 20 kwietnia 1943 r., zm. 15 listopada 1971), amerykańska aktorka, gwiazda filmów Andy'ego Warhola z lat 60./
Edith Minturn "Edie" Sedgwick (April 20, 1943 – November 16, 1971) was an American actress, socialite, and heiress who starred in several of Andy Warhol's short films in the 1960s.

By the way I think that the author based the main character on Sedgwick, especially as far as the look, the model job and self-destructive behaviour are concerned. The fact remains that it really doesn't change anything.

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